TURBOCOMPRESSORS in Compressed Air Systems


Do you use industrial compressed air systems that have a consumption rate exceeding 2,000 Nm³/h? Do you work with turbocompressors or multiple controllable machines, or perhaps even with several networks featuring varying levels of pressure? Then you should definitely read on!

Thanks to their high level of efficiency and their excellent control characteristics, turbocompressors are the ideal solution for compressed air systems in which the basic consumption exceeds 27 m³/min. The turbocompressor is for large systems that what the VSD screw and especially the rotary vane compressor is for smaller sized systems: the ultimate energy saver!

kmo turbo is the specialist for turbocompressors, controllable compressors and for complex compound control systems for all types of compressors. Compressed air management means to us the production, conditioning, distribution, utilization and maintenance in conjunction with high level availability and efficiency. We offer a unique optimization concept that is especially designed for the production of compressed air and the interaction of compressors.


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Compressor manufacturers apply the subject of "compressed air optimization" most effectively in advertising campaigns in order to boost the sales of new compressors and manufacturer-specific management systems, as well as to increase the number of comprehensive, full maintenance contracts. The exchange of individual system components alone, however, will not lead to overwhelming levels of success with regards to increasing efficiency. Investments in new machines will, at least to a certain extent, lead to improvements, but only if an appropriate compound control system is also realized, and if all of the machines, without exception, are connected to this system.

Our OPTIMIZATION STRATEGY is oriented solely towards the interests of operators:

  • We always analyze and optimize the overall system.
  • A kmo master control is neither an off the shelf product nor is it a "black box". We realize our systems preferably with standard components from SIEMENS.
  • Our expertise combined with the millionfold proven SIEMENS components ensures that our customers are always provided with the optimum technical and economical solution.
  • Through the performance of volume measurements on both the production end and the consumer end, we create the basis for a sound evaluation. In conjunction with temporally high-resolution data storage, the entire compressed air system becomes transparent and provides the necessary data for a management analysis, as well as valuable information to allow permanent optimization and failure analysis.
  • We only consider an expansion of the machinery when the existing compressors are working to capacity, if the control range is inadequate or the level of efficiency is no longer acceptable. As soon as an expansion of machinery proves necessary, we provide you with manufacturer-independent advice in order to help you find the best technical and economical solution for your particular requirements.
  • In addition to planning and supplying, kmo turbo also performs the commissioning and provides continued technical support for the system.

Travel with us along the route towards an optimized and efficient compressed air system!